Conquering Absolute Zero

At a time when adventurers were still competing to conquer the ice-cold vastness of the North and South Poles, scientists were running a tight...

What is randomness?

You might think it must be easy to define randomness, but nothing could be further from the truth. Not only is it difficult to create random events or sequences of numbers, verifying whether something that we have produced really is random is no easy task either.

The Power of Uncertainty

Humans generally try to avoid the feelings of uncertainty and ambiguity. We are naturally inclined towards resolving ambiguous situations asap. When we are put...

Why does digital music only make sense to a human ear?

German acoustics professor Eberhard Zwicker spent years studying the ways humans recognise sounds. After conducting a number of experiments, he reached an important conclusion:...

CRISPR – Biotechnology of the Future

In 1987, Japanese scientists from Osaka University reported an unusual occurrence they had observed in a strand of E. coli bacteria. A strange part...

When our sense of probability deceives us

The influence of numerous columns published in popular newspaper supplements where so-called “experts” shower us with all kinds of advice is not to be...

How Old is Time?

Trying to imagine the beginning of time is just as hard as trying to imagine that time has no beginning. Both possibilities are equally strange and have baffled scholarly minds for centuries.

The Winner Brain

In Lake Tanganyika in the heart of Africa, there lives an unusual species of fish, Haplochromis burtoni of the cichlid family. It is peculiar...

Nutrition Trends and the Secret of Healthy Diet

The first industrially prepared baby formula that supposedly contained enough nutrients to replace breast milk successfully was invented in the mid-19th century by German...

Thinking About Alternatives

There is no doubt that humans are significantly different from all other creatures that have ever inhabited the Earth. In a few thousand years...

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